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Prof. Ren Li from China Agricultural University Visited APM TEXT SIZE:A A A

Invited by State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics (SKLGED), prof. Ren Li from China Agricultural University visited APM and gave an academic report titled “Evaluation of measuring scale effect of saturated hydraulic conductivity of field soil” on Oct 23.

Prof. Ren introduced the research progress of measuring saturated hydraulic conductivity based on double-ring infiltration meter in detail, and illustrated how the inner diameter size of double-ring infiltration meter affected the measurement of hydraulic conductivity based on detailed numerical simulation. As prof. Ren combined with its own research experience, introduced the do what a good student should have good qualities (motivation, activity, and the productivity), combines academic research and personhood, works, and discussed the academic paper writing and submission of the facing problems and the treatment strategy.

Prof. Ren is currently a member of the water resources committee of the Chinese society of water conservancy, a member of the environmental geology committee of the Chinese geological society, a member of the hydrogeology committee of the Chinese geological society, and a member of the water resources committee of the Chinese natural resources society. His research interests include soil physics and agricultural hydrology.


                                              Prof. Ren was giving his report.

Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics. Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address:340 XuDong Rd. Wuhan 430077, Hubei, China