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AASA Releases First Interdisciplinary Strategy Report TEXT SIZE:A A A

Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia(AASA)issues its first interdisciplinary strategy report on October 18 in its tenth anniversary in Seoul, Korean.

The report is the output of the research project called "Sustainable Development in Asia (SDA)", which was initiated by the Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA). They are comprised of one synthesis report, which entitled "Towards a Sustainable Asia: Green Transition and Innovation", and four thematic reports on natural resources, energy, the environment and climate change, and culture from particular perspectives of agriculture.

With best practice guidelines for a sustainable Asia, the reports, for the first time systematically address the common challenges and regional problems in regard to Asia’s natural resources use, pollution reduction and climate protection, sustainable energy development, and innovations for environment-friendly and culture-compatible agriculture.

Founded in 2000 in Korea, AASA is a non-profit international organization of the Asian and Austral region, comprising 26 academies with science and technology interests. It aims to provide a forum for scientists and technologists to discuss and provide advice on issues related to science and technology, research and development, and the application of technology for national development.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) formally became a member of AASA at the Fourth General Assembly of AASA held from Sept. 23 to 25 in Tehran, Iran. Professor LI Jinghai, Vice President of the CAS, was elected President of AASA in 2006 and serve another term in 2008. (source:Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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