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Hong Kong Polytechnic University visits WHIGG TEXT SIZE:A A A

At the invitation of WHIGG, Prof. DING Xiaoli, CHEN Wu, LI Zhilin, SHI Wenzhong, and Ph.D. WU Bo, LIU Zhizhao from land surveying and geographic information department of Hong Kong Polytechnic University paid a visit to WHIGG for academic exchange and communication on June 16, 2011.

Director SUN Heping gave a brief introduction of WHIGG, and WU Bo introduced the teaching stuff, cultivate talents, research field and key research result of the land surveying and geographic information department of Hong Kong Polytechnic University on the symposia. Academician XU Houzhe proposed the opportunity on the next-step cooperation between both sides.

After the symposia the visiting group visited key laboratory of dynamic and geodesy (KLDG), key laboratory of Monitoring and Estimate for environment and Disaster of Hubei Province (MEED), laboratory of observe technology of geodesy and geophysics and Wuhan National Geodesy Scientific Field Observation Station.


The symposia in whigg on June 16,2011.

Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics. Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address:340 XuDong Rd. Wuhan 430077, Hubei, China