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IGG scientist wins Science and Technology Progress Award in Surveying and Mapping, China TEXT SIZE:A A A

Dr. Zheng Wei from IGG wins Science and Technology Progress Award in Surveying and Mapping of China recently. He undertakes a research project titled “Key Technologies and Scientific Applications of Satellite Gravity Inversion”.

The project focuses on the multidisciplinary frontier of space geodesy, satellite gravity, solid-Earth physics, oceanography and hydrology. The projectfollowsthelatesthot spotofthesatellitegravimetryand establishes a set ofindependentandadvanced systems of key technologies and scientific applications of satellite gravity inversion.The projectcooperates closely withinternationalauthoritative research institutes(JPL,CSR and GFZ). During the study period, the research group published 88research papers onJGR,J.Geodyn,IEEEGeosci. andRemoteS.(SCIIndexed39) as the first author.

Series of research results achieved in this project: (1) Severalinnovativeresearch papers werepublished onleading academic journals as the first author athomeandabroad, andpartoftheresearch papers are quoted by authoritativeacademic journals; (2) Carrying onatop-level designofChinese next generationsatellite gravitytechnology; (3) The resreach results get not onlypeerrecognition at home and abroad, butalsohaveawide range ofapplicationsfor geodesy, mapping,aerospaceand other related fields.

Dr.Zheng wei won the prize.

Dr. Zheng wei was delivering a scientifc speech

Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics. Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address:340 XuDong Rd. Wuhan 430077, Hubei, China