At the invitation of State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics (SKLDG), Prof. Robert Tenzer from the Otago University, visited WHIGG on November 7, 2012.
Prof. Robert Tenzer delivered a scientific speech titled “Gravimetric forward modelling of isostatic gravity disturbances and the Vening-Meinesz Moritz inverse problem of isostasy for finding Moho depths”. He pointed out there were many differences between the Moho parameters determined from gravity disturbance based on classical isostatic theory and isostatic theory. The research results from his group verified that the parameters related to Moho could be precisely determined by disequilibrium gravity disturbance theories from ice layer, sediment and crustal density. Their results agreed well with the CRUST2.0 model.
The seminar was presided by Assistant Director, Dr. Liu Lintao. Tens of researchers and postgraduates attended the seminar. Participants discussed a lot with Robert about the determination of Moho and the calculation of disequilibrium gravity disturbance theories.
Prof. Robert Tenzer was delevering the scientific speech