Invited by State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth`s Dynamics (SKLGD), professor Fredrik Anderson from Lund University in Sweden visited Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics (IGG) on August 18. He gave an academic report on fast application of the radon transform and the back projection operator by using log-polar coordinates and fixed-point algorithms for estimating accurately frequencies. The meeting was held by researcher Weijian Mao.
The report represented a quick evaluation method of the radon transform and the back projection operator by using log-polar coordinates and fixed-point algorithm for estimating accurately frequencies. The main advantage of these algorithms is that they are easier to implement under the GPU framework , and they can get imaging results with higher resolution.
After the report, the audiences and professor Fredrik Anderson had a deep going discussion about the application of these algorithms in Geophysics.
Professor Fredrik Anderson giving the lecture in IGG