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Lecture on Apr, 23, 2012 [2012-04-20]
Lecture on Mar, 26, 2012 [2012-03-23]
AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 2012 [2012-03-05]
Lecture on Feb, 16, 2011 [2012-02-16]
EGU2012 call for Abstracts/Papers [2012-01-16]
SGES2012 call for Abstracts/Papers [2012-01-11]
Lecture on Dec, 22, 2011 [2011-12-22]
Lecture on Dec,2, 2011 [2011-12-02]
Lecture on Nov, 24, 2011 [2011-11-24]
Lecture on Nov,21, 2011 [2011-11-21]
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Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics. Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address:340 XuDong Rd. Wuhan 430077, Hubei, China